How to cancel Audible UK membership?

As my reading preferences changed over time, I decided it was time to bid farewell to my Audible UK membership. Going through the cancellation process for Audible UK was surprisingly straightforward, and I’m here to share my experience and provide a step-by-step guide for others looking to cancel their Audible UK membership.

How to cancel Audible Membership in UK?

  1. Sign In to Your Audible UK/Amazon Account : To initiate the cancellation process, I logged in to my Audible UK/Amazon account using my credentials.
  2. Access Account Details : After signing in, I hovered over my username in the top page navigation and clicked on “Account Details.”
  3. Click on “Cancel Audible Membership” : Within the “Account Details” section, I found the “Cancel Audible UK membership” link and proceeded to click on it.
  4. Confirm Cancellation : Audible UK asked for confirmation to proceed with the cancellation. Without hesitation, I clicked on “Continue to cancel.”
  5. Receive Email Confirmation : Shortly after confirming my cancellation, I received an email confirming that my Audible UK membership had been successfully canceled. This email served as a record of my decision and provided peace of mind.

Additional Tips for Audible UK Members

  • 1. Pause Membership ( Only): Audible UK offers a unique option to pause your membership if you have unused credits and wish to keep them. During this pause, you won’t be charged, receive new credits, or lose access to your Library. However, you can still access and download titles you purchased with credits.
  • 2. Technical Assistance: If you encounter any issues during the cancellation process or have questions about your Audible UK membership, their customer support is available 24/7 to assist you.

Cancelling a Membership on Google Play (For Audible UK Subscribers)

  • 1. Visit Google Play Store on your desktop or device.
  • 2. Click on your profile icon.
  • 3. In the profile menu, select “Payments and subscriptions.”
  • 4. Locate Audible UK, then click on “Manage” > “Cancel subscription.”

Cancelling a Membership through the Apple App Store (For Audible UK Subscribers)

  • 1. Open your iOS device Settings.
  • 2. Select your name.
  • 3. Choose “Subscriptions.”
  • 4. Find Audible UK and select “Cancel Subscription.”


Cancelling my Audible UK membership was a breeze, thanks to the clear instructions and user-friendly interface. Although I’ve said goodbye to my Audible UK journey for now, knowing that I can resume it anytime is reassuring. If you find yourself contemplating the cancellation of your Audible UK membership, follow these straightforward steps, and you’ll be able to do so without any hassle. Happy listening and happy reading!