How to cancel an Audible trial?

To cancel an Audible free trial:

  1. Go to the Audible website.
  2. Sign in with your Audible/Amazon account.
  3. Hover over your username in the top page navigation.
  4. Select “Account Details.”
  5. Click on the “Cancel membership” link.
  6. Confirm the cancellation by selecting “Continue to cancel.”
  7. You’ll receive an email confirmation, and your membership status will reflect the change.

What happens if I don’t cancel the Audible trial?

If you forget to cancel the free trial before it ends, don’t worry, the trial will automatically turn into a paid subscription. This means you’ll be charged the regular membership fee, and you’ll start getting credits each month to use on audiobooks. The credit card or payment method you used during the trial sign-up will be charged for the subscription.

To avoid any charges, just remember to cancel the free trial before it expires. Follow the cancellation process that Audible provides for your specific trial. If you enjoy Audible and want to continue using it, you don’t need to do anything, and your membership will continue with the regular monthly subscription.