Can you listen to Audible books without a membership?

Sure! Audible is a fantastic platform for audiobook lovers, but you might be wondering if you can listen to their books without having to pay for a membership. Well, the good news is, you can enjoy some Audible content without a membership, but there are a few things to keep in mind.

Listen to Audible Originals Without Membership

First, you can access Audible Originals for free, even without a membership. These are a selection of audiobooks and podcasts that are available to everyone. So, if you’re curious about Audible’s exclusive content, you can try out some of these Originals without paying a dime. You can listen to these Audible books without a membership.

Use Free Trial To Listen Audiobooks on Audible without Membership

Secondly, Audible offers a free trial of their premium membership plan, called Audible Premium Plus. During the trial period, you get one credit to pick any audiobook from their library. You can also enjoy some Audible Originals for free during the trial. It’s a nice way to get a taste of what Audible has to offer.

However, there are some limitations to be aware of during the free trial. You won’t have full access to the entire library like regular members, and you’ll only get one credit, so you can only redeem one audiobook for free. Also, you won’t get the discounted prices that members enjoy when buying more audiobooks, and you won’t earn any credits during the trial. You can listen to Audible books without a membership, but with some terms and conditions.


In conclusion, yes, you can listen to some Audible books without a membership through their free trial or by checking out their Originals. It’s a great way to explore the platform and see if it’s right for you. But if you’re a serious audiobook fan who wants full access and benefits, a premium membership might be the way to go. So, take a listen and see what works best for you!

Finding Free Audiobooks and Using Audible: Your FAQ Guide

Finding Free Audiobooks:

Full-length Audiobooks Free:

Several resources offer free full-length audiobooks legally:

  • LibriVox: A vast library of audiobooks read by volunteers (
  • Your Local Library: Many libraries allow borrowing ebooks and audiobooks through their websites or apps.
  • Project Gutenberg: Provides free ebooks, some with audiobook versions available elsewhere (

Using Audible:

Audible Login:

  • Visit to access your Audible account.
  • You can also use your Amazon login credentials since Audible is part of Amazon.

Listening without Credits:

How to listen to books on Audible without credits?

There are a limited number of ways to listen to audiobooks on Audible without using credits:

  • Free Trial: Audible may offer free trials in your region, allowing access to a limited selection of audiobooks during the trial period.
  • Audible Plus Catalog: Audible memberships include access to a library of audiobooks in the Plus Catalog, which can be streamed or downloaded for offline listening without using credits.

Reading vs. Listening:

Can you read books on Audible or only listen?

Audible is primarily for listening to audiobooks. While there’s no traditional “reading” function, some features might be helpful:

  • Highlights & Bookmarks: You can mark important parts of the audiobook for future reference.
  • Variable Narration Speed: Adjust the narration speed to your preference.

Listening on Devices:

How do I listen to Audible books from Amazon?

You can access your Audible library through the Audible app (iOS, Android, Windows 10) or the Audible Cloud Player on a web browser. Both require your Audible account login.

How do I listen to Audible books on my iPhone?

  1. Download the Audible app from the App Store.
  2. Install the app and log in with your Amazon account.
  3. You can then access your library, download audiobooks for offline listening, or stream them directly.

Membership Management:

How to cancel Audible Membership:

You can cancel your Audible membership through your account settings on the Audible website or app.

Audible Plus Catalog:

What is the Audible Plus Catalog?

The Plus Catalog is a library of audiobooks included with your Audible membership. You can stream or download titles from the Plus Catalog for offline listening without using credits. This library is constantly expanding, offering a variety of audiobooks at no additional cost beyond your membership fee.